“After Mercury retrograde, are you ready for flying together?”

A new project combined documentary with live session. Let us fly MESSEMGER together, toward an area that is formed with communication. Witness the process of the album — Mercury Retrograde’s complication.

Whether music, words, photography, dance, films or picture, communication keep changing its form, although it wouldn’t go smoothy continuously, or even will shed tears.

In the future, we will bring back ourself, follow the track of the communication in the past. Finally, we would explore the most comfortable way, become a new century’s daughter .


【MESSENGER departing ,mercury retrograde】

⣿Ticket Price: NTD 99

⣿Premiere Time: 5/13 20:00

⣿Replay Time: 5/14 10:00

⣿Link of purchasing tickets: https://www.indievox.com/activity/detail/22_iV0161950

ticket purchase available in 04/01, iNDIEVOX